
Here’s Why Dining Out in NJ Boosts Your Mental Health

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Here’s Why Dining Out in NJ Boosts Your Mental Health

August 09, 2021 , POSTED BY Contemporary Media Group, LLC

Along with all the other crises that have bothered our society for the past year or two, mental health needs are skyrocketing. Could dining out at your favorite restaurant in New Jersey be part of your healthy reopening plan? Keep reading to see how dining out at your local restaurant gives your mental health a boost!

  1. Talking to strangers makes you happy.

If you wanted a boost to your mood, would you talk to a trusted friend or a complete stranger? If you follow the evidence, the stranger wins! By breaking us out of our usual routines and offering our brains something fresh and pleasant to focus on, a quick conversation with a stranger does more for our mood than talking with our best friend or partner. No wonder you always feel so good after talking about the weather with the waitstaff at your favorite restaurant!

  1. Being pampered reduces stress.

If you feel stressed, try letting someone else handle your usual tasks. If you’re always stuck cooking, serving, and cleaning up after dinner, let the professionals at Iachetti’s handle the Cinderella routine while you relax and enjoy!

  1. Trying new things breaks old patterns.

The human brain was hardwired to seek new experiences. If you’ve been cooking at home since last March, even your favorite meals are probably growing old. Instead, break those patterns and try a brand-new dish from a local restaurant, or try your favorite with another chef’s twist. Even if you don’t like it as much as your standby, the opportunity for new experiences makes your brain light up with delight!

  1. Socialization is the key to human happiness.

Finally, keep in mind that humans are social creatures, and going out to a restaurant in Glen Rock lets you socialize with other restaurant patrons, employees, and whoever you choose to dine with!

We got through the worst of the pandemic together; now let’s reopen together and socialize at our favorite local restaurants! Iachetti’s Kitchen is open starting at 3 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday.

 Iachetti's Kitchen